bachelor's degree

a degree awarded by a college or university to a person who has completed undergraduate studies.
Also called baccalaureate.
Examples from the web for bachelor's degree
  • In fact, it's possible to get a fine bachelor's degree at a reasonable cost and without going into debt.
  • About a third of unemployed workers with a bachelor's degree have been out of work for more than a year.
  • Research does find an unmistakable advantage to getting a bachelor's degree.
  • The economic value of a bachelor's degree varies by college major.
  • Graduation rates were based on first-time, full-time students seeking a bachelor's degree.
  • He earned a bachelor's degree while working full time and living in a small, barely habitable house with three family members.
  • He even talks of pursuing a bachelor's degree in engineering some day, and opening his own business.
  • The bride was receiving her bachelor's degree and the bridegroom a master's in teaching.
  • Applicants must have a bachelor's degree in civil engineering.
  • Applicants must possess an acceptable bachelor's degree in surveying or equivalent education.